The Science Behind Skincare: How to Understand Your Skin's Needs

It's common knowledge that the skin is the largest organ in the human body. But did you know that it acts as a protective barrier against UV rays, pollutants and pathogens? That it helps to regulate our body temperature? That is helps to maintain hydration in our bodies? There really is so much more to your skin, than how it simply looks! So just like any other organ in the body, the skin has it's own set of needs to keep it healthy and ensure it functions properly.

Get to understand your skins needs, before you develop a personalised skincare routine.

Autumn Winter Skin: How to Nourish Your Skin During the Changing Seasons
Summer is over for another year, and you know what that means... the temperatures are dropping, the days are getting shorter, and it's time to adjust your skincare routine again. Just as we layer up in warmer clothes, it's only right to layer your skin up and protect it from the effects of the cooler environment, too. So with a few simple tweaks, you can keep your skin hydrated, healthy and glowing no matter what the weather is doing.
Everything You Need to Know About Pigmentation
Got pigmentation? Same. Most of us do, and it's totally normal! But there's no harm in wanting a more even skin tone. In fact, it's totally achievable once you understand what causes pigmentation, how to prevent it, and how to treat it. So, let's get to know all about it then!
Back to Basics: The Five Must-Do's of Skincare
Short on time, but still want to keep your skin looking healthy and radiant? When it comes to skincare, it's easy to get overwhelmed by all of the brands, products and routines out there. But the great things is, you can keep your skin healthy and glowing with just 5 simple steps, even when you're stressed or busy. Just promise yourself some me time and consistency!
Get Healthy and Happy Skin, Even When You're Tired
Busy, stressed, overwhelmed and tired? Relatable. These days it's a challenge to perform a daily skincare routine, let alone navigate the sheer volume of brands, products and promises out there. So, we're going to help you navigate the endless world of skincare with these simple tips. You'll be ticking off a quick, easy, effective skincare routine on the daily.
Skin Sobering: Our take on the latest trend doing the rounds
We've said it before and we'll say it again - you don't need a 10 step skincare routine to achieve healthy, glowing skin. In fact skin sobering, the latest skincare trend doing the rounds on social media, holds a lot of merit to it. Somewhere in the neighbourhood of skin minimalism, which focuses on a reduced number of products, skin sobering describes the process of giving your skin a break from too many daily products and treatments. But before you go throwing out half of your beauty bar, let's unpack it properly!
The Role of Antioxidants in Skincare
If you're looking to improve the overall health and appearance of your skin, antioxidants are one type of ingredient you need in your skincare routine. We break down what antioxidants are, how they work, and what ingredients they're found in, so you can be on your way to your healthiest skin yet.
The Hidden Skin Damage of Stress: What You Can Do

Driving productivity and accomplishments, in small doses, they say stress can be a good thing! But even though it's a natural part of life, stress for prolonged periods of time (chronic stress) can have a significant impact on your skin. That's because when you're stressed, your body releases a hormone known as cortisol, that can signal inflammation and a host of other changes in the body, ending with skin concerns.

Whether you're dealing with a little or a lot of stress, it's important to understand how it can affect your skin, and what you can do to help.

Streamline Your Skincare Routine With Multi-Taskers
When it comes to keeping a streamlined skincare routine, there's a few things we know for sure. One, less is more. Two, time is important. And three, skincare is an investment. So it goes without saying, the more steps you can combine into one, the better! Multi-tasking products offer the ability to address multiple skin goals, while offering time and wallet-saving convenience too!
How to Choose Products That Will Actually Benefit Your Skin
With so many skincare brands and products out there, it's hard to know which ones will actually work for your skin. And with time, budget and skincare goals aside, your skin actually plays a vital role in protecting you from environmental stressors and keeping you healthy... so it's pretty important to find the right skincare. Let's explore why skincare quality matters, and ways in which to find your best products.
The busy person's guide to healthy skin

Nowadays our lives are busy! While we’re trying to juggle everything from simply drinking enough water, working hard, chasing dreams and putting the kids to sleep, it’s easy to see how the likes of self-care and skincare routines start to slip. So, if you find yourself stretched and out of hours by the end of the day, but you desperately want to see those glowing skin results, then this one is for you!  

Check out our quick and easy tips, and go with what works for you.

Saving Money on Skincare: How to Build a Routine Without Breaking the Bank
Yep, it's getting expensive out there! And while we're cutting budgets left, right and centre... the good news is, when it comes to skincare, less really can be more. So if you're looking to re-evaluate your 10-step skincare routine for a more budget-friendly one, then this is for you! Because you can achieve the results you're after by focussing on quality over quantity - and it's called skin minimalism. Discover how to make the concept of skin minimalism work for you.
Skin Savers for Happy Skin During Your Next Flight
If you're a frequent flyer, you'll know that flying can take a toll on your skin. From dry cabin air (causing dehydration), recycled cabin air containing pollutants (causing irritation), a high altitude and reduced air pressure (causing fluid build up - aka puffy eyes) to the overall combination of dry air, pollution and bacteria (causing breakouts), needless to say, it's important to take extra care of your skin before, during and after a flight! We show you how.
How to nail your summer skincare routine

It's summer! And with it comes carefree beach days, bulk sunshine, wavy hair and bronzed-up skin. But the hot temperatures can also bring with it more sweat (trapping the likes of makeup, dirt and oil in our pores) and dehydration too - so of course like any season, summer is a good time to rethink your routine. And the good news is, less is more!

So check out our simple tips and our summer skincare routine that'll keep you carefree, confident and protected all summer long. Get out there and enjoy yourself!

Do More With Less: Multipurpose Serums

When it comes to keeping a good (and consistent) skincare routine, there's a few things that we know for sure! One, less is more. Two, time is important. And three, skincare is an investment. And it's for all these reasons, that it's great to get multipurpose products into your routine - they replace multiple products, they save you time, and, they save you money (yay!). Not to mention, they deliver results.

So, let's introduce you to our brand-spanking-new multipurpose serums, Essence and Vibrance, shall we?!

Skin cycling for beginners

"Skin cycling". It's approved by leading skin experts and dermatologists, so you just know it's going to be good! But what is it exactly? It's simple. Skin cycling is a night-time routine that focusses on using specific active ingredients, on certain days. For example, active ingredients are used for two nights in a row, followed by two nights of recovery, and then repeating the routine as a consistent cycle.

It's a great way to ensure you're kicking your skin goals and keeping your skin barrier in-tact, rather than over-burdening your skin with actives (which can cause more harm than good!). Here's what skin cycling would look like, using RAWKANVAS products.

Facial redness and irritation? What to do
Does your skin feel irritated, itchy, and inflamed? Don’t worry – this type of concern comes up a lot. So, we thought we’d bring up the topic again and share some easy tips to help!
Hydration vs Moisture – What’s the difference and what do I need?
…but aren’t they the same?! We get it, the world of skincare can be an absolute rabbit hole, so let’s give you the run down on hydration vs moisture and what you may need for you skin, without all of the confusion!
You know those people with effortlessly great skin? Here’s their habits
Have you ever looked at someone and thought wow what incredible skin?! Same here! So, genetics aside, we decided to delve into the habits of people with great skin and we’re sharing them with you...
Premature signs of ageing? Here’s what to do
For some of us, the thought and signs of ageing skin can be a not-so-desired part of getting older, and while ageing is a fact of nature, if you’d prefer to hold onto that youthful plumpness and glow a little longer... there’s some simple (and not so obvious) steps you can take!
How to deal with the ‘not-so-great’ skin days

Let’s face it, we all have those ‘off’ days, the ‘not-so-great’ skin days, where we aren’t feeling as confident as we would like in our skin.  

But what does ‘off’ skin mean to you? For some of us it’s redness, for others it’s breakouts, dryness, dullness, a reaction, a flare up of an existing skin condition... the list goes on. Whatever your definition of ‘off’ skin is, remember that it is totally NORMAL to experience ‘off’ days.

So how do you deal with the not-so-great days and get your skin back on track? We’ve got a few quick tips for you!